Current Status: active

9-01 Update [Hurricane Ida] 

UPDATE  Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief will be deploying to Hammond, Louisiana. Hammond is 45 miles east of Baton Rouge and 45 miles NW of New Orleans with a population of 21,359.   This morning, the State Feeding Unit, the Tri-County Recovery Unit, the Geyer Springs FBC Shower and Laundry Unit, the State Communications Unit, and two commercial generators were deployed […]

08-30 Update [Hurricane Ida]

UPDATE  Hurricane Ida moved through Southern Louisiana/Western Mississippi on Sunday leaving a wake of destruction in its path. It came on shore as a category 4 with winds estimated at 150+ mph, 16-years to the day that Hurricane Katrina ripped through the same areas. Ida has tied for fifth in the strongest storms to hit […]

9-21 Update [Hurricane Laura]

UPDATE Teams from Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) continue to help the people of Lake Charles, Louisiana pick up the pieces of what will be a long recovery journey after Hurricane Laura ripped through the area in August. DR leadership estimates teams will be there for at least 1-2 more months.   ABSC DR teams in […]

9-14 Update [Hurricane Laura]

UPDATE Teams from Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) continue to help the city of Lake Charles, Louisiana pick up the pieces of what will be a long recovery journey after Hurricane Laura ripped through the area in August. DR leadership estimates they’ll be there for at least 1-2 more months.   ABSC DR Teams in Louisiana […]

9-8 Update [Hurricane Laura]

UPDATE Teams from Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief began helping the city of Lake Charles, Louisiana pick up the pieces of what will be a long recovery journey. 118 volunteers have already arrived and served 3,633 hours so far.  Lake Charles Power and Water plants were destroyed, so power and clean drinking water have been the […]

9-1 Update [Hurricane Laura]

UPDATE Hurricane Laura caused significant damage across Louisiana, and Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) teams have been called to work in one of the hardest-hit locations: Lake Charles. With the extensive damage to that region, ABSC DR leaders anticipate being in Louisiana for a few months and hope that recovery volunteers will be available to […]

8-28 Update [Hurricane Laura]

UPDATE Hurricane/Tropical Storm Laura moved through Texas/Louisiana early Thursday morning and Arkansas mid-day. Storm reports are widespread across the three states. On the coast of Louisiana, damage reports were catastrophic. Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief will be focusing efforts on the area of Lake Charles, Louisiana. In this area, their infrastructure took a significant hit. They […]