Current Status: STand Down

9-07 Update [Hurricane Ida]


Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief deployed to Hammond, Louisiana last week to begin assisting those in need. They joined approximately 15 Southern Baptist State Conventions who have also deployed their Disaster Relief Teams to Louisiana and Mississippi.  

Homes around the area sustained damage. Trees and powerlines litter roads and yards. Many are still without power, and some are still making their way home to assess what is left.   

So far, Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief teams have been able to make 204 contacts and assess 100 homes. They’ve completed 61 jobs for a total of 1683 volunteer hours so far – but the journey is far from over.  

In their time there, they’ve been able to pass out 14 Bibles and give Gospel presentations to 16 people. Also, Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Convention President, visited the DR site in Hammond to survey and assist.  


Continue to pray for the Louisiana and Mississippi Disaster Relief leadership as they prepare for incoming teams, search for housing sites for incoming DR volunteers, and coordinate with other states to provide for survivors  

Continue to pray for the survivors as they begin the process of rebuilding and that God would open the hearts of those who need to hear the Gospel and provide comfort amid turmoil  

Pray for the travel of all volunteers as they head down to help and minister to survivors.   

Continue to pray that DR volunteers would be spiritually prepared for ministry opportunities and to minister to survivors.   

When you and your Church give through the Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering, you allow for ABSC Disaster Relief to stand ready to respond at a moment’s notice. 

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